Wednesday 28 February 2007

Debate is hotting up about the viability of nuclear power. The investigation by Ziggy Switkowski exposed the use of nuclear power as a real solution to global warming issues.

Global warming may have been a real issue for some time. What appears to have put solving the issue on the political and corporate agenda is an increasing public awareness. 'An Inconvenient Truth' is a film by Al Gore, which is perhaps the driver behind this change in public opinion.

An interesting article came out this week in a Silicon Valley website, which claimed the demand for energy will outweigh supply by 2008. For this reason several technology companies including AMD are discussing ways to reduce the demand for power by modifying existing technology.

Perhaps reducing supply needs can help manage demand for energy. The flow on effects for society may include reduced greenhouse emissions, lowering business energy costs and an increased capacity for more powerful devices.

What is interesting is the debate in Australia has centred around solutions on the supply side of energy. Proof that there is more than one way to save the world...

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